Thursday, September 3, 2009

Live Healthy Live Long!!!! Crochet More!!!! Knit More!!!!!!

Some time back i was going through an article on net which said Knitting & crocheting is very good for health. Being an addicted crocheter I was happy to read that but frankly I did not believe it. But 2-3 days later when I was watching CBS news(The Early show on 3rd April 2009) There was an article by Priya DavidKnitting For Your Health which actually made me believe the entire theory. (Please go through this Video report by cbsnews)

Knitting & crochet have following Health benefits:-

1) Lowers the blood Pressure ( Now I know why traditionally pregnant women is always seen knitting... :))

2) Reduces Stress :- you will know why it reduces stress when you will read the whole blog & see the video on CBS news.(Link is given above).

3) Yoga effect :- Resent studies indicate that knitting stimulates the same points in the brain which are stimulated during crochet & meditation.

4) Can delay memory loss:- I recently read an article on bbc's website titled
Knitting 'can delay' memory loss

It says "Those who had during middle age been busy reading, playing games or engaging in craft hobbies like patch working or knitting were found to have a 40% reduced risk of memory impairment." This is one article which is worth reading.

5) The last benefit is its a great Hobby which is also a very productive & satisfactory way to utilize your free time.

You can link all the above advantages in a loop Simply saying
"The rhythmic repetitive acts of knitting, and crocheting, can help manage stress, manage pain, manage depression and lower blood pressure, all of which in turn strengthens the body’s immune system. Knitting even provides a workout for the brain and that can possibly reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s disease. When compared to yoga, knitting can give you the same ability to induce a relaxed meditative state and a serene tranquility, by providing focus and calm that allows you to think clearly and creatively. "

Happy Crocheting & Knitting!!!!

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